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Monday 25 January 2016


Be forewarned that this post is probably going to contain a lot of pictures. Also, blogger and I don't really get along so they might be all over the place depending on what blogger decides to do with them.

My sister and her fiancé decided to get married in Cuba. I wasn't going to miss my sisters big day, so we hopped on a plane and went to freaking CUBA.

looking at planes
Once we arrived in Cuba we had to find our luggage and then get on a bus for an hour drive in the dark to our resort. We got there and were pretty tired from the flight and all that so we didn't do too much the first night. But here's a gecko thing. They were everywhere at night, every corner you'd walk around, one would be scurrying away.

He doesn't like paparazzi
towel art

We would leave gifts for the maid every day. Things like crayons, clothes, soaps because we were told they don't get a lot of that stuff or it was really expensive for them. So the maid would leave works of art on the bed for us.

Pictures of the resort:

Lounging on the beach:

Everywhere you go there, they drive old cars from the 50's because they haven't been trading with the states since then so there isn't many newer vehicles. We were told that many Cubans know how to fix cars because they'd have no car to drive otherwise.

We went on an excursion, horseback riding. It rained pretty much the entire time we were there. Everything got soaked, so I ended up trying to lay out all my money to dry.


Every night there was a performance of some kind. This one is water acrobatics.

more towel art

I found that the sand was quite different there. It was definitely softer, finer than our sand. Also going swimming in the ocean once you've been horseback riding and getting eaten alive by mosquitoes is very refreshing and cleansing feeling as the salt water sears your wounds.
horse drawn carts everywhere
huts with no glass windows
more huts
We went to the Pasquera market that was walking distance from the resort a few of the days we were there. One day we took a double decker bus into Guardalavaca to a bigger market.
more old cars

On our last day there we took a tour of the city of Holguin (pronounced HOLE-GEEN CITY).
City of Holguin
Hill of the Cross looking up

Hill of the Cross looking down

The Hill Of The Cross was a place Pope Frances (if I remember correctly lol) visited recently.

It really is a spectacular view of the whole city.

We also got to walk around downtown Holguin and visit some shops, see the locals.

And here we are on our last day, walking out to our plane.
Goodbye Cuba
It really was an experience none of us had ever done before, and who knows when/if we will ever do something like this again.

When we arrived back in Canada it was about 1:30am. We waited for all our luggage, and I got my Gramma situated to catch her shuttle, then we got on ours. Normally it would be about two hours to get home from the airport, we got home about 5am as it was the first snowstorm of the season. Welcome back to Canada! lol

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