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Tuesday, 20 August 2019

On The Way To The Jamboree! (pt. 4)

Part 1    Part 2    Part 3

We spent some time up on Grouse Mountain in British Columbia as one of the activities the kids chose to do before we left the mainland.
We took a trolley up the mountain. It was basically something like a larger scale chair lift at a ski hill.
They did this lumberjack show. The fog was thick but didn't really change the show at all. Afterwards we found the beavertail truck and had lunch. I say that because our bodies were still confused on when we should be eating.

There was a birds of prey show which was pretty neat. Although we have those here too, I've never actually sat and watched one!

The view from Grouse Mountain was, well nonexistent. It was a very cloudy day and half way up the mountain we went through a layer of clouds and it stayed there pretty much all day. On our way back down Grouse Mountain we caught a glimpse of Vancouver but it was very short lived.

We met some scouts and venturers on the ferry so we all ended up sitting near each other and the kids did teenager things.

Next up life at jamboree!

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